Trifle with Rasp- and Blackberries


Trifle with Rasp- and Blackberries

Prep Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Brunch, Dessert


  • bowl or glasses


  • 1 Angel food cake, mini angel food cake or sponge cake
  • 1 can custard (can) or home made
  • 1 can peach slices
  • 170 gram raspberries
  • 170 gram blackberries
  • 2 tbsp sherry (optional)
  • whipping cream
  • chocolate sprinkles


  • Line the bottom of a bowl or individual glasses with the angel food cake. If you want to use sherry, now is the time to add it. Let it soak for a couple minutes.
  • Divide the peach, rasp- and blackberries on top. Keep some berries aside. Spoon a thick layer of custard on top. Finish with a thick layer of whipping cream. Decorate with the berries and chocolate sprinkles.
  • Cover the dish and store in the refrigerator for at least an hour!
Keyword Blackberries, Brunch, Cake, Custard, Dessert, Raspberries

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